About Us

Suide Iol Oidis Duin Aill Cuideachta Faoi Theorainn Ráthaíochta, trading as Dunhill Multi-Education Centre, is a community-owned education, training, and conference center in east County Waterford. Our mission revolves around Access, Opportunity, and Excellence, aiming to be a hub of learning excellence that provides equal access to education for all. Our values include integrity, honesty, staff well-being, and open communication.

As a community resource, we offer meeting spaces, a community garden, library, events, and training facilities. We cater to various groups, including the elderly and people with disabilities, funded by the Department of Rural & Community Development through the Community Services Programme administered by Pobal.

While traditionally funded by Pobal, we generate income to sustain our services. Apart from serving the local community, we provide contracted training to public and private companies, offering meeting spaces and services with contributions ranging from free to a full-rate service.

Our Staff

Our Board of Directors

  • Anne Curran – Chairperson
  • Breda Halley
  • Marie Crowley

Our Commitments

Click here to read our Child Safeguarding Statement

Click here to read our Privacy Statement