Find out what events are on at Dunhill Multi-Education Centre now and the forthcoming days.
Currently running events
What Day? | What Time? | What is on? | Who Promotes or Delivers? | Where? | For more information: |
Wednesdays | 11:00 • 12:45 | Copper Coast Community Choir | Anne Kavanagh • WWETB | Ballynageeragh Room | Call 051396934 |
Wednesdays | 19:00 • 20:30 | “Finding Your Calm” Mindfulness Group | Joan Lenihan | Dunhill Room | WhatsApp 086 193 1085 |
Thursdays | 10:00 • 11:00 | Chair Yoga | Saffron | Knockeen Room | Phone 086 158 9864 saffronyoga108@ |
Fridays | 10:00 • 13:00 | Community Garden | Dunhill Multi-Education • WWETB | Dunhill Community Garden • Dunhill EcoPark | Call 051 396 934 |
Fridays | 10:00 • 12:00 | Parent, Baby and Toddler Group | Ballynageeragh Room | Call 051 396 934 | |
Fridays | 19:00 • 20:00 | Yoga and Somatic Movements | Joanne Kennington | Ballynageeragh Room | WhatsApp 085 834 7761 |
Thursday • 6th of February | 19:30 | Miscella-neous Poems, 1798 with some local surprises | Julian Walton • Julian Walton Winter Lectures | Knockeen Room | Book 051 396 934 or enquiries@ |
Thursday • 13th of February | 19:30 | In the wake of the Great Western | Andrew Doherty • Julian Walton Winter Lectures | Knockeen Room | Book 051 396 934 or enquiries@ |
Thursday • TBC | 19:30 | To be confirmed | Julian Walton Winter Lectures | Knockeen Room | Book 051 396 934 or enquiries@ |
Thursday • 20th of February | 19:30 | Letters from a continental holiday, 1905 | Julian Walton • Julian Walton Winter Lectures | Knockeen Room | Book 051 396 934 or enquiries@ |
Thursday • 27th of February | 19:30 | The heritage slabs in Grattan Square, Dungarvan | William Whelan • Julian Walton Winter Lectures | Knockeen Room | Book 051 396 934 or enquiries@ |
Thursday • 6th of March | 19:30 | The decline of the Catholic Church in Ireland, 2000-2020 | Eugene Broderick • Julian Walton Winter Lectures | Knockeen Room | Book 051 396 934 or enquiries@ |
Thursday • 13th of March | 19:30 | The archaeolo-gical achievement of Patrick, Canon Power (1862-1951) | Elizabeth Shee Twohig • Julian Walton Winter Lectures | Knockeen Room | Book 051 396 934 or enquiries@ |
Thursday • 20th of March | 19:30 | Some further notes on the history of Annestown | Tony Hennessy • Julian Walton Winter Lectures | Knockeen Room | Book 051 396 934 or enquiries@ |
Coming soon
What Day? | What Time? | What is on? | Who Promotes or Delivers? | Where? | For more information: |
Mondays • Starting 10th February | 11:00 • 13:00 | Creative Writing | Rose Bright | Dunhill Room | Call to register interest 051396934 |